RebusFarm's 3D Artist of the Year 2022!
It has been an amazing run, but as the year is coming to an end, so does this edition of 'RebusFarm's Artist of the Year'. We have seen the incredible work of all the nominees for 2022, the jury and our RebusFamily have voted for their favorites, giving us the ultimate winner. Today we finally get to see the art piece that won everybody's heart.
We want to thank every artist who participated, each one with incredible talent, that month by month gave us a lot of emotions and inspired us just as much. We feel incredibly proud of the gems we found throughout the year and the connection that every piece created between us and our community. After choosing the winner of the contest, not without difficulty, our amazing jury and community deliberated that RebusFarm's 2022 Artist of the Year is:
Kirill Chernyy with 'Once Upon a Time…in NYC'

The winner receives 500 RenderPoints worth 500 Euros to benefit from our massive computing power through the cloud.
Julieta Martin
January 2022
"The neutral palette became a key factor for the entire project and is consistent all throughout the different scenes. The only bright colors I included are those found in nature, such as the sky or the vegetation."
Kirill Chernyy
February 2022
"A photorealistic streetscape that properly conveys the atmosphere of a big city like New York is the pinnacle of our industry! In terms of complexity, you cannot aim much higher."
Claudia Luehl
March 2022
"Every element of this piece adheres to this holy and innocent aesthetic: the crown of white roses, the lamb, and the golden halo; it all adds to the boy's saint-like appearance. Which then is heavily contrasted by the bloody knuckles."
Ruming Cao
April 2022
"Foggy Interior is firmly rooted in photorealism. Driven by the desire to create a more detailed scene, he paid extra attention to the various materials found throughout the room."
Piotr Kostyla
May 2022
"I wanted to create a relaxing space and atmosphere, a place you would like to enter to sit and rest. I also knew that it had to be a sunny summer day because that is when nature shows us all its beauty."
Gabriela Mazur
June 2022
"The central idea was to merge the mystical Mayan civilization with the aesthetic of ancient Rome. Imagine yourself lost deep within the jungle and suddenly stumbling into a place like this – that is the atmosphere we were going for."
Darqviz Studio
July 2022
"Making use of the techniques of photorealistic CGI gives us a powerful tool to create virtual images and tell a narrative that aims to inspire the viewer. Every now and then you can also find some easter eggs in our images."
Arthur Cavalcanti
August 2022
"With the wood and terrazzo floor serving as the baseline for the latter. Some of my more noticeable changes include the various panels on the wall, the ceiling, and the lighting."
Fabricio Rezende
September 2022
"‘The Leprechaun’ was my attempt to develop a mythical creature while heavily humanizing its features. This allowed me to combine my aesthetic affinity for mysterious creatures with a narrative of social awareness."
Serhat Sezgin
October 2022
"I was free to design the area without any limitations. The café consists of two floors, with a dining area, cafe, and bar on the ground floor, and VIP dining areas and rooms on the upper flow element."
Francisco Cuevas
November 2022
“We live in a time where we sometimes feel the need to wind down and disconnect from technology completely. The elegant and natural vibe of the room was actually inspired by a hotel I stayed at in Tulum, Mexico!"
Karnvir Gulati
December 2022
“ ‘Zen Space’ is an attempt to perceive and portray the eponymous meditation practice central to many Buddhist schools."
We are thrilled to introduce this year's 3D Artist of the Year jury board!
Our jury consists of a group of experts who have been in the 3D industry for many years. They will evaluate all nominees to select a winner, who will be announced on December 29th, 2022. Introducing:

Manny Fragelus
Manny Fragelus is the founder and program director of CGMA and CGWorkshops. Besides leading the academic direction for both schools, Manny is also the host of the popular webinar series "Industry Sessions". This series gives participants the opportunity to interact directly with some of the best artists in the industry, ranging from the entire character art team from Naughty Dog to a panel with some of the best FX artists from Blizzard, MPC, and ILM. Manny has over 17 years of experience working in the games, films, and animation industries. His recent job was modeling lead at Dreamworks Feature Animation for the last 11 years.

Bogdan Sasu
Great Talks about Photorealism
Bogdan Sasu is an artist, 3D generalist and author who lives in Romania and has more than two decades of experience in the creative arts. From architectural visualization to classical art, Bogdan is exploring the beauty and harmony of life in all of its manifestations. Bogdan is now balancing between being an architectural visualizer and an author of the books 'Great Talks about Photorealism' Volume 1 and 2, along with other projects.

Ralph Huchtemann
Ralph, who originally completed a degree in mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen, started in the 3D business in 1995 by founding the 3D animation company RebusMedia and working as a successful 3D artist. During that time, he produced hundreds of animations and visualizations for B2B communication and commercials. About ten years later, Ralph founded RebusFarm to solve the problem of lacking computer power that 3D artists are experiencing in general. He started with a clear vision of how to approach the issue.

Vasilis Koutlis
Designer & 3D Photographer
The instigator of both xDream3D and VWArtclub was born in Athens, in 1979. He studied furniture design and decoration. He began his occupation with 3D art in 2002 and in 2007 the idea of xDream3D was born. Furthermore, he managed to acquire partners from all over the world and various collaborators trust him with their ideas as he rewards them with his detailed designs. Not a moment goes by without him thinking of a beautiful image, thus he is never concerned with time, but only with the design’s quality.

Agnieszka Klich
Arch Viz Artist/Black Balance
Agnieszka Klich is a 3D artist, the co-founder of Black Balance, and Arch Viz Artist. Black Balance is an architectural visualization studio based in Poland. Arch Viz Artist is an online platform with professional video courses related to the 3d art topic. Agnieszka also runs a YouTube channel with the same name, where she shares tips and tricks that teach what to do to compete in the creative market. Besides, she is a big fan of traveling. Numerous journeys have shaped her view of the world, given a massive dose of inspiration, and driven her to action.

Rusko Ruskov
VP Production and Delivery, Chaos Group
Rusko Ruskov is an industry-renowned expert on 3D visualization with over 18 years of professional experience in rendering, movie and broadcast media VFX, automotive, product and character design. He leads Chaos Group’s 3D visualization team and is responsible for the product’s performance excellence of V-Ray since its early days. a 3D artist with a great passion for innovative technologies that blur the line between reality and art, Rusko has been a guest speaker at industry conferences such as Siggraph, Siggraph Asia, FMX, Animago, CG Event, and has juried at many rigorous and renowned CG competitions.

Ander Alencar
Oficina 3D
Ander Alencar is a Brazilian 3D artist with over 20 years of experience in rendering for architecture. He started his career in 1996, taking a course in architectural drawing. In 2004, he worked on the international animated feature film "Asterix and the Vikings" and after the production ended he opened his own studio, Oficina3D Studio, working with clients from all around the world. 19 years later, he founded the OF3D Academy, where he teaches and guides professionalizing courses in the area. Today, Ander's main goal is to bring knowledge to everyone on his social networks for free.

Jack Malone
3D Artist of the Year 2021
Jack Malone is a sculpture artist specialist with over 10 years of experience in CG, working on animation, games, and visual effects projects. After working at companies such as Capcom, Rede Globo, Plastic Wax, Echtra Games, and Netflix, he is now part of the Creature Team at SpinVFX. Some of his achievements go from two PromaxBDA awards (2017 Silver and Bronze Medal) to one New York Festival (2017 Gold Medal). He has strong anatomy knowledge, and extensive experience in the 3D area, from concept art to traditional sculpture, which provides him with a variety of perspectives.

RebusFarm Community
Social Media Channels
Our RebusFarm Community has been growing for years, welcoming 3D artists and enthusiasts from all over the world and creating beautiful bonds around the passion for rendering and photorealism. This year, we welcome the RebusFarm Community to our 3D Artist of the Year jury by allowing our social media family to give their input on this contest and help us find the ultimate winner. The most liked nominees through our different social media channels, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn will get added points in the final voting count.
Maya를 통한 렌더팜 렌더링 동영상 강좌
기초 강좌
Maya에서의 Rebus Farm 사용법
오토데스크 Maya에서 자사의 렌더팜을 어떻게 사용하나요? 본 튜토리얼 영상에서는 Maya 제작물을 신속 정확하게 그리고 쉽게 자사의 렌더팜으로 연동하는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다. RebusFarm 소프트웨어는 Maya로 연동되어 사용하기가 용이입니다. 팜에 작업물을 연동하기 전, Render Cost Estimation (렌더 시간 예상) 기능을 통해 테스트 프레임을 활용한 렌더 비용을 측정하는걸 추천합니다. 또한 QuickCheck 기능을 통해 작업물과 렌더팜의 연동 문제를 사전 검사할 수도 있습니다.업로드 후, 렌더 프로세스가 자동 시작되어 다른 작업을 할 수 있습니다. 본 프로그램의 제어센터를 통해 렌더 작업들의 전반적인 관리가 상시 가능합니다. 본 튜토리얼을 통해 작업물들을 RebusFarm으로 얼마나 신속정확하게 렌더 및 다운로드 할 수 있는지 확인해보세요! 회원가입 후 25 RenderPoints 무료 체험판도 활용해보세요. 즐거운 렌더링 시간이 되길 기원합니다!
고급 강좌
튜토리얼: Maya & Redshift - 작업물 연동
본 동영상 튜토리얼을 통해 Redshift를 활용한 Maya 작업물을 RebusFarm 렌더 서비스에 연동시키는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다.
팁: Maya & Redshift - 프록시 및 MASH
본 동영상을 통해 RebusFarm 렌더 서비스에 Redshift, RS-Proxies, RS-Proxies, Maya 및 MASH를 사용할 시 확인해야할 요소들에 대해 배울 수 있습니다.
튜토리얼: Maya & V-Ray - 작업물 연동
본 동영상 튜토리얼을 통해V-Ray를 활용한 Maya 작업물을 RebusFarm 렌더 서비스에 연동시키는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다.
팁: Maya & Octane - 렌더 레이어
본 동영상 튜토리얼을 통해 RebusFarm 렌더 클라우드에 Octane을 활용한 Maya 프로젝트를 렌더링 시 필요 사항들에 대해 배울 수 있습니다.
튜토리얼: MAYA 및 ARNOLD - 다중 레이어 EXR을 사용하여 과제 제출
이 비디오는 Arnold 및 Maya를 사용하여 Arnold Renderfarm으로 렌더 장면을 보내는 것이 얼마나 쉬운지 보여줍니다.
팁: Maya 및 Redshift - 계층화된 EXR로 작업 제시
이 비디오는 계층화된 EXR 작업을 Rebus Render Farm에 제출하는 단계를 보여줍니다.
팁: Maya & Arnold - 투명 필름을 사용한 렌더링
이 비디오에서는 렌더링에 투명 필름을 사용할 때 Maya 및 Arnold로 렌더링하는 방법을 보여줍니다.